In preparation for a move, one of the essential preliminary steps is to anticipate the sorting and clearance of certain furniture and items that no longer serve a purpose. It would be a shame to pay for the removal of furniture stored in your basement or attic, only to see them unused again in these same spaces in your future home. This approach may lead to unnecessary future expenses.
This step can be taken even before confirming a new residence. After all, if these items are gathering dust and are not currently in use, it’s better to plan ahead.
This step can be part of a spring cleaning. It’s true that parting with certain items can be delicate, especially if they have sentimental value. To simplify, ask yourself this key question: “When was the last time I used this item?” If the answer is “more than a year ago,” it’s time to add it to the clearance list.
Online platforms such as Ricardo offer the opportunity to sell your furniture. By taking the time to post a photo and a description, you might find someone interested in your sofa or willing to give a second life to your dining table.
In Zurich, flea markets organized by ‘kreis’ offer a friendly atmosphere. On sunny days, neighbors display their items in good condition for sale. It’s a pleasant way to socialize, make a few francs, and clear out your cellar at the same time. An approved experience!
Second hand stores accept your furniture and items. These items can be acquired at affordable prices by people on a more modest budget. However, note that in some cases, the need for a vehicle can make organization more complex.
Umweltklinik offers an interesting concept. You can order boxes to deposit unwanted items, and the company picks them up from your home. They also handle bulky items, making the process easier, sorting between “second hand” and “disposal items.”
Their eco-friendly approach includes sorting reusable items, with a 40% discount for customers on items that can have a second life. Items in poor condition are directed to the landfill.
For irrecoverable items, resorting to the landfill is inevitable. Your municipality should provide an access voucher, and it can be advantageous to empty your cellar without spending too much. For bulky items, a suitable vehicle is necessary. In case of urgency or a lack of a vehicle, you can ask your moving company to take them to the landfill.