Would you like to add some colour to your interior or has your landlord asked you to repaint your wall for the inspection? Before buying paint, read our article carefully to find out your rights and obligations as a tenant.
Do I have to get my landlord’s permission to paint a wall?
By law, you must get written permission from your landlord or management company to paint any of your walls. This will ensure that there are no disputes throughout the tenancy.
Do I have to paint the coloured walls white for the inspection?
If you have painted your walls in colour during the tenancy, your landlord or management may require you to repaint the walls white for the inspection or contribute to the cost of repainting the walls.
Bear in mind that even if your landlord agrees to a coloured wall, he or she may still require you to restore the property to its original state, i.e., to repaint the wall white.
My walls are white but the paint is worn, should I repaint the walls?
You do not have to systematically repaint the walls of all your accommodation for the key handover, and above all it is not systematically your responsibility. In fact, it all depends on the reason for the wear and tear of the property.
If the paint is worn out over time, you are not responsible for future paint renovations. Usually after 8 years you can ask your landlord or estate agency for a refurbishment. They will then assess whether, indeed, the walls need to be painted or whether it is still in good condition.
There is a common misconception that the tenant can ask for a new paint job after 8 years. However, the paint will only be repainted if it is no longer considered “fit for purpose”. Each dwelling must therefore be considered on a case-by-case basis.
On the other hand, if the white paint has turned yellow because of smoking, the owner is not obliged to repaint the walls even if they have not been painted for 8 years. If you have to hand over your home with walls that have been worn down by tobacco, your landlord can ask you for a contribution.
In French-speaking Switzerland, as a tenant, you can contact the ASLOCA for all questions relating to the rights and obligations of tenants.
Want to paint your own wall? Find out how to paint a wall?